Understand The Stages Of Fashion Curve (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

What an amazing journey from A 2 Z . Writing for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge has been amazing. In the process I have realized ,I have so much to share which I will continue as I believe sharing is caring. Kumari aka Lyrikal has rightly said “Knowledge increases by sharing and not by saving”.

Today is my 26th post , the last letter in an Alphabet ,but this post talks about Zenith in Fashion Curve…Truly wonderful. The zenith is the “highest” point on the celestial sphere and we are going to talk about highest point in fashion curve. At some time, most clothing styles pass through a fashion curve, cycle, or wave. You can observe the predictable stages a clothing style goes through during its time as a fashion trend. These stages illustrate the relative position of classics and fads, from start to finish. The average length of a fashion cycle is getting shorter due to mass media and fast fashion, lasting only three to seven years.

Before moving to fashion curve lets first understand what is classic and Fads clothing.

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How Do Yin and Yang in Clothing Reflects Your Personality? (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

Just one more post to go..yipeee!! This is my 25th Post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Lets talk about Yin and Yang in clothing which is very interesting and fascinating too. The ancient Chinese concept of opposing characteristics or traits in nature is described with the terms yang and yin. The concept relates directly to dominance and subordinance, advancing and receding. Yang represents dominant, advancing, assertive traits. Yin represents subordinate, receding, receptive traits. More specifically, to the Chinese, yin means gentleness and softness—the grace of the willow tree, and the delicacy of the moon. Yang means strength and vigor— the sturdiness of the pine tree, and the force of the sun.

Importance and Functions of Yin/Yang Concept and Personal Style—Benefits
Describes opposites and classifies physical, psychological, and
clothing traits.
• Allows comparison based on similarity and differences in traits.
• Assists in discovering, developing, and refining personal style in
• Advances knowledge, awareness, understanding, acceptance, and
appreciation of the self and others.
• Becomes a tool for solving image-related problems and in creating
the type of appearance necessary to achieve goals.
• Guides the use of clothing as a means of visual communication.
• Guides the creation of powerful illusions about the individual.
• Provides a tool for adding variety and interest to your appearance.

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X-factor of Smart Shopping Skills (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

Here I am with my 24th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Having a Smart Shopping skill may turn out to be an X-Factor in Wardrobing. So here I am talking about What is a Smart Shopping Skills and steps to follow in order to become a smart shopper.

Open your closet doors for a long look. Don’t be discouraged if the contents look skimpy. You’ve pared your wardrobe down to the bones—to what really works for you. What you need now is an accurate mental image of what’s in your closet. This mental image will give you direction for planning, shopping, and purchasing wisely—for adding new pieces that will continue to work together for you to your advantage. Think of it this way. When you buy a piece of furniture, you envision your whole house, then the room and how that piece of furniture will look and work in that room. It should be the same with your wardrobe. Just as a piece of furniture becomes part of the interior design, part of the artistic composition; a piece of clothing becomes part of your exterior design and a part of your personal artistic composition.

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11 Wardrobe Strategies yo have attractive, affordable, appropriate and authentic closet(A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my 23rd post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. And today I will be taking you through some of the wardrobe strategies which can helps you to have a closet which is attractive, affordable, appropriate and authentic. When you open your closet and see it filled with clothes, yet feel you have nothing to wear, it’s likely the clothes don’t work for your life style, your personal style, or work together in ways that reflect you the way you want to be seen. The typical tendency is to go out and buy more”stuff”- to buy into the latest “must have” list. The opposite tendency is to stop buying anything, assuming that what you want is not available or cost too much. In either case, seize the moment and overcome the fear of fashion. Look at yourself and your clothes in the light of What all wardrobe strategies you need to adopt?

Rely on clothing as a resource, a tool that can control and use to help you meet your needs and achieve your goals.

A resource is anything available to use to your advantage, as an aid to meet a need or achieve a goal. Time, money, property, energy, food, and clothing qualify as resources.

As a resource, your clothing becomes a tool for meeting needs and achieving goals, takes you where you need to go.
Virtually everyone can afford some clothing of value as a resource.
Carefully selected, this resource can have positive effects on the wearer.
Prepared with clothing as a resource, you/we feel more confident, capable, and credible.

Continue reading “11 Wardrobe Strategies yo have attractive, affordable, appropriate and authentic closet(A2Z of Image Management)”

How visual Communication leads to positive image?( A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

Here I am with my 22nd post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Visual Communication is the key to manage positive image. As you all know Image Management is all about developing your inner strength and at the same time reflect them on the outside through appearance. While reflecting the inner strength outside one needs to create powerful first impression with stronger visual communication through appearance.

Verbal communication depends on words and sound. Nonverbal communication occurs through sight and touch. It is silent, visual communication,  an immediate and important communication skill that plays a major role in everyday interaction. Call it what you like, your visual image, personal appearance or self presentation communicates to one and all within view, as well as to yourself. You cannot NOT communicate!  Your clothes make a statement without saying a word. Your clothes speaks before you do.

Continue reading “How visual Communication leads to positive image?( A2Z of Image Management)”

Utilize Face Shape Evaluation to Accessorize (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my 21st Post for #Blogchatter A2Z challenge and as promised today I will be sharing tips to accessorize according to your face shape. Please checkout my previous post on Face Shape Evaluation , to know your face shape. One thing I would like to share before I begin with the tips, there are many faces which are of a combination, making typical shape name impossible. Identify whether the face is rounder, straight, longer, shorter, wider or narrower than ideal.

Once you have determined your face shape, you can start to determine what looks best on you. From glasses and earrings to hair and makeup, these are the ideals to help you look your best!

There are general rules that apply to any face shape that can be extremely helpful:

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Know Your Face Shape To Accessorize Better (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my 20th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Today I am sharing with you different Types of Face Shapes. All those who are reading my post do analyze your face shape by reading my guidelines. Once you are done..stay tuned to my next post where I will be giving you tips on right kind of accessories, neckline, eye wear and haircut for all types of face shapes to look appropriate and attractive.

There are some things about your body that you should know for example: your blood type, things you are allergic to, and your face shape, to name a few. The last one may seem like no big deal, but knowing if your face is oval, square, or round can help you get a more flattering haircut, look more natural when you get fillers, find perfectly fitting glasses, accessories that suits you and makes you look more attractive and neckline in your clothing which looks more appropriate.

Typical Face Shapes ( Characteristic Traits)

Oval / Ideal face shape

Continue reading “Know Your Face Shape To Accessorize Better (A2Z of Image Management)”

Personal/Professional Style Scale (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my 19th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. And I am really excited to share with you all, “The International Style Scale” which was introduced by Judith Rasband . It shows the art and science of dress with style and integrity. This style scale helps to know that there are differing degrees on a continuum or scale between dressing up and dressing down, between formal and casual dress in work place.

We need to become aware of the factors or variables that account for difference in dress and the statement or message that clothes communicate to you and to others. These factors are the elements of design,  lines, shape, colors, texture and patterns.

It is a fact of life. We have expectations about people’s clothing and appearance for specific times and occasions based on what is socially and culturally acceptable for the time and place, or upon experience alone. For example,  you would interpret a man dressed in tuxedo seen on the occasion of wedding differently than if your see the man wearing a tuxedo on the occasion of an informal backyard barbeque, and still differently if you saw him in a tuxedo and mask on the occasion of Halloween party.

Value conflicts between people, such as parents and child or employer and employee can occur because the individual disagree on their expectation of appropriate dress. The workplace is known for attention to professional appearance. Not all people want to comply, and yet by dressing to meet the expectations of those you work for and with, you can create a more positive first and lasting impression about yourself and your abilities. You can establish or maintain your credibility and exert a more significant influence.

Continue reading “Personal/Professional Style Scale (A2Z of Image Management)”

Recommended Guidelines For A Quick Fit Style Selection For Fabulous fit (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

Now here I am with my 18th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Today I will give you tips to get that perfect fit that you are looking for in dressing.

Where there is a will there is an “Attitude”!

  • Learn to accept yourself as you are, never let your weight get in your way.
  • Learn to dress the body you are living in now – today.
  • Learn that you don’t have figure flaws nor figure faults. You have figure variations, variations from that so called ideal that doesn’t really exist.
  • Learn to sit, stand and walk tall
  • Learn that it’s not just to look slimmer, but to look well proportioned and balanced.
  • Learn that it’s a matter of emphasis, how to counter and camouflage.
  • Learn that it’s not just the clothing style lines and shapes but fabric, and patterns as they interact to influence your goals.
  • Learn that it is not just the piece of clothing you choose, but how you put them together.

It is not what you wear, it’s how you wear it-it’s all in the wearing!

Continue reading “Recommended Guidelines For A Quick Fit Style Selection For Fabulous fit (A2Z of Image Management)”

#BlogchatterA2Z : “Q” – Qualities one needs to look for while selecting clothes (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my 17th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Here I am talking about qualities you need to look for while doing clothing selection. Here I will be discussing about for A’s of clothing:

  • Authentic
  • Appropriate
  • Attractive
  • Affordable

The effect of your clothing and appearance is something you can analyze or evaluate and generally control or manage, in much the same way you manage your other resources – times, money, meals and so forth.

No one expects you to be handsome or beautiful. What people do expect is for you to appear attractive and appropriate. While there is no one and only right way to look,  attractive and appropriate,  are words to keep in mind when selecting your clothes. When dressed attractively and appropriately, we need to feel more confident, at ease and act appropriately. When not dressed attractively or appropriately, poor actions tend to follow suit. Rather than dressing by habit, impose, imitation ,pressure,or trial and error, dress as a result of thoughtful decision and choices.

Think in terms of dressing appropriately for:

  • The occasion, situation, or activity and in relation to propose and goals.
  • The person, the people or the group you will be, or wish to be involved with, their mood, values, attitude, and interests. 
  • You as an individual, for your physical body, your personality, mood, values, attitudes, and interests.

Time and attention to the message you create with your clothing and appearance are important in three general situation:

  • When the other person does not know you.
  • When the other person’s opinion or reaction to you is important to the achievement of your goals., any you want org need to influence the opinion or action of another person.
  • When your mood or confidence level needs a lift to boost self confidence.

A few such occasions include the first day of class, a blind date, a job Interview, an appearance in court or the day you have to present a report, make a sale, or participate on a committee. Occasions that demand a more authoritative appearance include job interviews and personal appraisald, first meeting with the client and so on.

Clothing and image management is one of the fastest and most effective ways to build self-esteem, to boost self-confidence, to reflect ability, and to increase credibility.  Image management is an effective way to attract others, to encourage them to regard you favorably and with continued interest. If you want to be successful you have got to look successful in all your roles.

Personal and Professional Dress Standards

The 4 A’s – Giver yourself A Perfect 4.0

Occasionally , casual clothes are exactly right. Imagine, however, wearing only T-shirts and jeans all the time – at any age. You immediately limit the range of feelings that a variety of clothes can stimulate, reflect or project. Putting forth no thought or effort in dress, you gradually lose the ability to coordinate or create attractive and versatile outfits. Looking and feeling only comfortable and very casual, you gradually become psychologically uncomfortable with people in situations where dressier clothes are the tradition. Feeling uncomfortable you gradually limit your association with those people. Wearing extremely casual clothing everyday, you never look special. You never feel special. All occasions are the same. You are always the same. Facets of your personality and potential are not discovered and not developed. Experience supports the finding that when people stop dressing for different occasion they stop doing, going and being. Consider, that when you give some thought and effort to dressing in a variety of ways for a variety of mood and occasion, you become more creative, individual, confident and competent. Positive interaction and productivity increase. You are more likely to become self-actualized and to accomplish your goals.

Keep all this in mind and follow your heart!

This post is part of#BlogchatterA2Z challenge.

To read my previous posts checkout here A ,B ,C ,D ,EFGIJ.K,L,M,N,O, P

@ Swati Mathur