11 Behavior Management Techniques for Preschoolers #AllAboutPreschoolers #MyFriendAlexa

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As a parent or a childcare provider if you are looking for an effective learning environment, you ought to focus on early childhood behavior management. Nobody is born well-behaved; you need to create a supportive and inclusive environment wherein children can feel safe and comfortable. It becomes the responsibility of every adult who is interacting with them to model good behavior and avoid the bad ones.

Each child entering the school comes from a different environment and are equipped with different set of behaviors, skills, knowledge and attitudes. Most of them are not even aware of what is expected of them when they enter pre-school. Therefore, setting clear, positive and well defined rules and expectations for children becomes very imperative.

When we talk about childhood behavior management techniques we are teaching them values and habits that they need to adhere to and at the same time making sure that they get along with others and achieve their goals as they grow.

A well -behaved child not only reduces the disruptions but will make sure that he or she is in sync with other kids and the activities planned can be delivered smoothly. Learning good behavior is one of the key development outcome which can help child to be successful not in their early years but build a foundation for a lifetime success.


Set clear, well defined rules and expectations

This is just a beginning; they have put their first step towards learning. It is vital to give them clear instructions which they can understand and not confuse them and create anxiety. Do not expect too much at once, reinforce the rules by giving them concrete examples and visual aids. This will not only help them in better understanding, but they can enjoy the process of learning too.

Set proper routine and schedule

Having a set routine and schedule allow children to know what is expected from them , in turns makes them more confident. When they know what is coming up next makes them excited and happy. Uncertainties creates anxiety that leads to bad behavior or tantrums. Disoriented child gets distracted very easily and may cause disruptions which can leads to chaos.

Appreciate good behavior

To create a mental model of good conduct, it is important that a child is encouraged and rewarded when good behavior is displayed. A bad behavior should not be punished but acknowledged and corrected in the best possible way without hurting their feelings. Once a kid realizes that a good behavior is rewarded , they go extra miles to please you.

Create a reward chart for good behavior

Anything tangible, something which can be touched or seen and felt is appreciated at this early age. Kids do feel happy when they are encouraged but if it is accompanied with something tangible , they remember it for long. By letting kids visually see how their actions lead to rewards, you help them get excited to do their best, as well as building the important developmental skill of learning to make progress toward a goal over time.

Improve your Emotional Quotient

As a care provider, you should know how to control your emotions by not getting angry, or defensive or emotional when bad behavior happens. Showcasing such emotions creates shame or guilt which creates a negative impact on children which might lead to withdrawal or continuing of their bad behavior. Instead display compassion and understanding while still reinforcing age appropriate consequences.

Identify the trigger point that causes bad behavior

Observe and if necessary, document the bad behavior by knowing the trigger points. Once you know whether bad behavior is recurring in nature or just onetime affair you would be able to address it accordingly. While making behavior reports and tracking progress over time, you can identify patterns and make sure you’re meeting each child’s individual needs.

Ignore mild misbehavior

Sometimes kids misbehave due to boredom or the desire to be noticed. Everyone likes attention so do kids. By doing this they attract attention without being harmful. Paying attention to this might create further disruptions. So best way to deal with this is to ignore.

Ignore their mild misbehavior by reinforcing positive behavior makes them realize that if they want attention, they will have to earn it by trying their best. Make sure that they are observed for a particular time period to understand the pattern.

Place effective consequences

Positive reinforcement is necessary to make them understand the importance of good behavior but setting consequences is even more vital to stop bad behavior. When kids know well in advance the implication of bad behavior, they will not only respect the rules but will refrain themselves from showcasing it. Kids should know that there is a direct relation between a bad behavior and their consequences.

Join hands with parents

As both parent and care provider share the same goal of guiding kids to showcase their best behavior, it would be nice if they collaborate for the same. By having same expectations, their will be less chances of confusion and discipline a child would become more and more consistent and effective.

Use positive language

Sometimes what you say doesn’t matter but how you say does. Picking up right vocabulary is very important while dealing with kids. Try not to use negative words like “Don’t do this”, instead say “This can harm you, let’s try something else”. If explained the consequence well, there is 100% possibility that child will not indulge in bad behavior at all.

Be patient

Never deny a child’s feelings. Only behavior is unacceptable. Kids are still exploring and trying to understand everything from their own experience. Give them time, do not be in hurry. It takes a special kind of personality to connect with children on their level and build rapport with them. You need to play with them on the floor, smile, and show sincere affection so they feel they can trust you. To do this, you not only need to love children, but also have a high level of patience.

If you want to see the change, Be the change and if you want to see the good behavior, showcase one!

You can read my previous posts here

How to choose right preschool for your child?

 7 Main Domains of Early Childhood Education

Importance of Early Childhood Education

What is Early Childhood Education?

How To Develop Child’s Creativity?

How to teach the importance of health , hygiene and safety to Preschoolers?

Teaching Aids Help Children Learn Better

I am taking my blog to another level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Pics courtesy : Pexel / Canva

Teaching Aids Help Children Learn Better #AllAboutPreschoolers #MyfriendAlexa

Teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors, to illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea. As the name suggests, teaching aids, aid the process of teaching for the teachers, and provide opportunities for better learning for the children. Next to parents, teachers are the most important adults shaping the future of children. Indeed, teachers do so much more than just teach; they are involved in the lives of their children in many ways to enhance their learning experience. Teachers are more than just that, they are facilitators. They not only facilitate, they also are friends, confidants, role models, etc who identify children’s’ strengths and areas for development and plan instruction to maximize children’s learning and potential. Making use of a teaching aid rather than using just verbal communication enables better understanding and learning of a concept.


  • They encourage brainstorming and generation of ideas.
  • They give children the opportunity to see what they are thinking.
  • Teaching aids are motivational tools that draw greater attention of children.
  • They help in increasing the attention span of children.
  • Teaching aids can be preserved, updated and reused.
  • They are cost effective.
  • They provide visual, tactile and auditory experience.
  • Teaching aids can be used with large and small groups.
  • They can be used for children across all age groups.


There are many aids available these days, but they are broadly classify as

  1. Visual Aids: The aids which use sense of vision are called Visual aids. For example: actual objects, models, pictures, charts, maps, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board, chalkboard, overhead projectors, slides etc. Out of these board and chalk are the commonest one.
  2. Audio Aids: The aids that involve the sense of hearing are called Audio aids. For example: radio, tape recorder, CD, gramophone etc.
  3. Audio-Visual Aids: The aids which involve the sense of vision as well as hearing are called Audio-Visual aids. For example: DVD, television, film projector, film strips etc.


Flash Card

Flash card should have a boarder on all the four sides. The ideal size of a flash card is 1/4th of the mount board/ A4 size. Background of the flash card should be white or plain (depending upon its use, for example, Concept flash cards need plain background; story flashcards will have a colorful background based on the plot). Flash card should be held in such a manner that the picture on it is not covered in any manner. All the flash card has stories written on the back side of each scene, they should be numbered and kept in sequence. After speaking about a particular scene that flash card should be placed on the back side of the other cards and not on the table or on the floor, to avoid distraction of the children.


The calendar must contain Day/ Month/Year ,Date- Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow, Season/Weather/Special Event. Festival, Holiday. The calendar can be made on one of the walls in the classroom at the child’s reach. Use a range of colors and texture to make the calendar interesting and attractive.

Picture Talk

Picture talk is used to take a recap of a particular concept. There should be boarders on the four sides. As it is too big to handle in the hand, it should be kept on a chair or table with the facilitator sitting at the back holding it. The background should be colored and not plain. While showing the picture talk of a particular concept allow children to first speak about all the things, they can see on it and then the facilitator can elaborate and cover the points missed.

Object Talk

Most of the object used should be real ones except rare cases like wild animals. The objects should be given to children to feel, observe and have a practical and better understanding about it. It is mostly use for introducing a new concept.

Flip Chart

Flip charts are usually used to narrate a story but sometime can also be used to introduce certain concepts. It is made in the form of a spiral bound table calendar. It helps in saving time and energy of drawing and making the same character again and again.

Flannel figures

Depending on the concept, the characters should be drawn and cut outs should be out of box board/ mount board. The characters should not be made too heavy otherwise they will not stay on the flannel board. Sandpaper should be stuck on the back side of the characters so that it can be placed on the flannel board and moved when required. The basic advantage is that it is very easy in handling and can be used either while teaching a concept or telling a story. Children can also use them easily to retell stories or revise concepts.

T V scroll

A square or a rectangle carton should be used by cutting one side to make the screen of the TV with gelatin paper. Cover the other sides with chart paper. Story is drawn, painted or made on the individual sheets and are attached together in sequence to make a long roll. The beginning strip of the roll should be attached to one rod and the end to the other rod. Turn the rod to rewind or forward the story.


Poster is used to introduce concepts. It can also be used to introduce and remind children of the different rules, revise concepts, for display. Use variety of colors and textures to make the poster interesting and attractive.

Word Wall

A word wall is made to help children revise the words learnt in the class, it provides a ready reference for them to see as and when required. It is an effective technique for print exposure. Word wall should always be at the child’s level, in large print format, must have only words that have been introduce to the children and should laminate the words so that they don’t tear easily.


There are different types of puppets to name a few there are finger puppet, rod/spoon/stick puppets, shadow puppets, body puppets, bag puppets, box puppets and glove/sock puppets. While using puppets it is extremely important that child has a good eye contact, get the puppet to look from one child to another, the puppet appears as if talking to the audience.

There are certain guidelines with respect to teaching aids

  • The décor of a classroom can transform the space into a welcoming and inviting place where children feel comfortable.
  • The chart should be displayed such that it is at the eye level of the children.
  • Display all children’s work such as worksheets and activities in the classroom.
  • Use strings, ribbons, cloths pin to hang worksheets
  • Avoid pasting directly with cello tapes and fevicol

The right classroom environment can play a pivotal role in how well children learn. These aids should provide them with educational, stimulating focal points without becoming distractions. Involve the children, let them help you hang posters or choose which wall hanging goes up next. This will keep them more personally engaged and make them an active learner.

You can read my previous posts here

How to choose right preschool for your child?

 7 Main Domains of Early Childhood Education

Importance of Early Childhood Education

What is Early Childhood Education?

How To Develop Child’s Creativity?

How to teach the importance of health , hygiene and safety to Preschoolers?

I am taking my blog to another level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Pics courtesy : Pexel / Canva

How to teach the importance of health , hygiene and safety to Preschoolers? #AllAboutPreschoolers #MyFrinedAlexa


Health and hygiene go hand in hand. Proper hygiene for children begins at the moment of birth when their tiny bodies are scooped up in towel or wrap and the protective coating from the womb is gently cleaned away. As a child grow, he/she can begin to learn personal hygiene with a little assistance from their parents. Developing good hygiene skills in childhood can set the stage for cleanliness habits as an adult. Personal hygiene is the practice of maintaining cleanliness of the body, it is done through bathing, hair grooming, and hand washing, brushing teeth, trimming nails and cleaning ears among others. Through these personal behaviours, social acceptances are gained.

Education can play a critical role in supporting the efforts of primary health care providers by teaching children about healthy behaviour. All schools should be aware of the importance of school hygiene and sanitation for their students. Teaching students about health focuses mainly on the dissemination of hygiene information aimed at changing or modifying their behaviour.

Maintaining good classroom hygiene is an important aspect of improving the educational efficiency of a classroom. Reducing the environmental factors that can cause illness will ensure that students and teachers will not miss out on valuable class time. Healthier and happier children will perform better in classroom, and teaching children about classroom hygiene could help them grow into environmentally proactive adults.

Role of Teachers in maintaining Health and Hygiene

Teaching the basics of proper personal hygiene is important for keeping kids healthy and clean by teachers. It is especially important for preschoolers to practice good hygiene, particularly hand washing because they spend so much of their time in close contact with each other in the classroom, sharing everything from desks and chairs to germs.

Teach proper hand washing

“Good health begins with clean hands”. The most important health and hygiene habit to teach children is to wash hands, especially after coming back home from school or playing outside and before eating. Hand washing is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and illness. Teachers should remind them from time to time to wash their hands with soap and lathers for at least 20 seconds before rinsing.

Teach them to cover sneezes and coughs during concept time

Germs can travel far and wide on a sneeze and cough. Get your child into habit of covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or their arm if they cannot reach a tissue fast enough when they sneeze or cough.

Remind them not to touch the eyes or mouth or to pick the nose

Germs can easily enter the body through the mucous membranes of the eyes and through the nose and mouth.

Encourage good dental health and hygiene in the classroom

Children have the motor skills necessary to do a fairly good job of brushing teeth on their own, though you may still want to take a quick turn until they are 6 or 7.


Young children deserve to live and play in safe environment, and it is the responsibility of every adult to help keep children safe. Preschool children should not be expected to actively protect themselves; however, it is important to offer children the opportunity to learn about safety as early as possible. Learning safe habits during early years may have lifelong benefits. Integrating safety education into the daily curriculum can help children learn and practice safety.

10 most important environmental concerns in keeping children safe:

  • To protect against falls, stairways, windows and elevated surfaces
  • Children should be protected from electrical outlets by using specifically designed outlets or safety caps
  • Electrical cords should not be within the reach for children.
  • Emergency phone numbers should be posted near each telephone (Poison control, fire department, emergency contact number of parents and others and the child’s doctor)
  • To prevent poisoning , make sure all cleaning supplies and medications are in locked cupboards.
  • Toys need to be safe by being age and developmentally appropriate for the group.
  • Buckets and tubs containing water needs to be closely supervised and emptied when not in use since small amount of water can be a drowning hazard for young children.
  • A daily safety check and maintenance is critical to keep equipment and the child’s environment safe.
  • Children should be safe from other children who are aggressive.
  • Children should be taught about good and bad touch.

Even if the environment meets safety guidelines, supervision is critical in ensuring child’s safety. The majority of injuries (60%) that occurs in early childhood settings are due to child’s behavior rather than environmental causes, for example, a child tripping and falling, colliding with objects, or one child pushing another as they go down a set of stairs.

Most of the states have established child-staff ratio assist in providing adequate supervision. It is critical that program maintain these ratios. In addition, it is important that adults actively monitor children. Many program require staff to maintain visual contact with children as they play. Low classroom strength can help children to feel a sense of privacy, while still allowing adults to adequately supervise children.

Although severe injuries are rare in early childhood setting, it is important to be alert and to immediately correct safety dangers. It is also important to assure children remain safe through adequate supervision.

The sense of safety and security, afforded by teachers provides children with responsibility. Keeping everyone safe and healthy should be a class effort, and everyone in the classroom, be it children , teacher or other staff should feel accountable for the overall health of the class.

While taking care of health, hygiene and safety of children , teachers needs to develop effective rules with the class. Remembering the rules are important and the best way to do that is actively teach the children.

  • Class discussion : Talk about why we have rules. Talk about situations when the rules help us. Ask children to give examples.
  • Act it out : Let children role play the rules.
  • Play games and show the importance of having and following rules.
  • Refer to the rules when children use challenging behavior. This will help teachers to stay positive with the children and redirect them to an appropriate behavior.
  • Read scripted stories about the rules and class room safety and hygiene.

Remember having effective rules with regards to health, hygiene and safety, well designed environment, appropriate learning activities, and nurturing relationships reflect what we know about how young children learn.

You can read my previous posts here

How to choose right preschool for your child?

 7 Main Domains of Early Childhood Education

Importance of Early Childhood Education

What is Early Childhood Education?

How To Develop Child’s Creativity?

I am taking my blog to another level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Pics courtesy : Pexel / Canva