“Inclusive Advocacy: Empowering Through the POCSO Act”


The Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act became popular in India soon after its enactment in 2012. Its popularity surged primarily due to several reasons:

Public Awareness Campaigns: The government initiated wide-ranging awareness efforts to inform the public about the POCSO Act, its provisions, and the significance of safeguarding children from sexual assaults, in collaboration with a range of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and child rights advocates. To reach a large audience, these campaigns made use of a variety of media outlets, such as print, radio, television, and social media.

High-profile Cases: A number of prominent incidents of child sexual abuse and exploitation made headlines, inciting public indignation and requests for more stringent laws to safeguard children. The POCSO Act was passed as a result of these incidents, which also raised awareness among the general public about the widespread incidence of child sexual abuse in the nation.

Legal Reforms: The POCSO Act brought about important legal changes designed to address child sexual abuse from all angles. Public support and attention were drawn to its strict measures, which included harsh penalties for violators, rigorous reporting obligations, and kid-friendly courtroom procedures.

Government Initiatives: In order to effectively implement the POCSO Act, the government took proactive steps, such as establishing special courts for the swift trial of cases pertaining to child sexual offenses, setting up victim support services and helplines, and providing law enforcement officials and other stakeholders with training on the act’s provisions.

Civil Society Engagement: Advocacy groups, civil society organizations, and child rights advocates were instrumental in promoting the POCSO Act, urging its enactment, and providing assistance to victims of child sexual abuse. Their work helped the act become widely known and acknowledged for its importance in shielding minors from sexual assaults.

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, enacted in India in 2012, is a crucial legal framework aimed at safeguarding children from sexual abuse and exploitation. It addresses various forms of sexual offenses against minors and provides stringent measures for the prevention, protection, and rehabilitation of child victims.

The POCSO Act and its significance:

  1. Comprehensive Protection: The POCSO Act covers many types of sexual abuse against minors, including offenses that are penetrative or non-penetrative, sexual harassment, and the use of pornography on minors. The statute provides complete protection for minors against various forms of sexual exploitation by clearly defining these violations.
  2. Stringent Punishments: According to the seriousness of the offense, the legislation stipulates severe penalties for offenders, including life in prison or a minimum of three years. In order to guarantee victims receive justice on time, it also establishes severe fines and requires the establishment of special tribunals for quick trials.
  3. Child-Friendly Procedures:In order to reduce trauma and guarantee the comfort and protection of the child victim, POCSO places a strong emphasis on child-friendly practices throughout the investigation and trial process. It discourages the identity of the child from being revealed and supports the designation of guardians or support people to help the youngster during court processes
  4. Mandatory Reporting: The statute requires everyone to report any occurrence of child sexual abuse, including parents, teachers, medical experts, and community members. Not reporting such instances can result in criminal punishment, which encourages responsibility and guarantees prompt action to safeguard children who are at risk.
  5. Preventive Measures: POCSO places a strong emphasis on preventive measures, such as education campaigns, awareness campaigns, and training sessions for kids, parents, and teachers. The act seeks to stop child sexual abuse by increasing awareness of the crime and equipping victims with the information and tools they need to defend themselves.

However, despite its significance in protecting children, the POCSO Act is not without its challenges and potential for misuse:

  1. False Allegations: There have been instances where the POCSO Act has been misused to level false allegations against individuals, leading to wrongful accusations and tarnishing of reputations. False complaints can arise due to various reasons, including personal vendettas, family disputes, or coercion by malicious parties.
  2. Legal Ambiguities: Certain provisions of the act, such as those related to the definition of sexual offenses and age determination of the victim, may be subject to interpretation and could potentially be exploited by perpetrators or misused in legal proceedings.
  3. Stigmatization of Accused: Accused individuals, particularly those falsely implicated, may face severe social stigma and discrimination even before their innocence is proven. This can have detrimental effects on their personal and professional lives, irrespective of the outcome of the legal proceedings.
  4. Need for Safeguards: While the act prioritizes the rights and welfare of child victims, there is a need for robust safeguards to prevent misuse and ensure due process for accused individuals. This includes strengthening mechanisms for the verification of allegations, providing legal aid and support to the accused, and penalizing false complainants.

In summary, the POCSO Act is essential for safeguarding kids from sexual assault and making sure victims receive justice. Nonetheless, in order to properly protect children and avoid its abuse or improper implementation, people must be aware of its requirements. Effective implementation, coupled with stringent safeguards and awareness initiatives, can help maximize the benefits of the act while minimizing the risks of abuse or misuse.

Under the POCSO Act, various groups of professionals and individuals should undergo training to effectively implement its provisions and ensure the protection of children from sexual offenses. Training is essential to raise awareness, build capacity, and enhance the skills necessary to identify, report, and respond to cases of child sexual abuse. Here are some key stakeholders who should receive training:

Governmental and law enforcement agencies, hospitals, schools, NGOs, and other pertinent groups can all offer training courses to these stakeholders. To guarantee that professionals and individuals have the information, abilities, and tools necessary to successfully prevent, respond to, and handle cases of child sexual abuse in compliance with the POCSO Act’s provisions, these training initiatives should be extensive, interactive, and continuous.

There are several myths and misconceptions surround the POCSO Act, which can lead to misunderstandings about its provisions and objectives. Here are some common myths:

  1. The POCSO Act only applies to girls: One of the most prevalent myths is that the POCSO Act only protects girls from sexual offenses. In reality, the act is gender-neutral and applies to all children, regardless of gender, including boys and transgender individuals.
  2. False complaints are rampant under the POCSO Act: While there have been instances of false complaints under the POCSO Act, they are not as widespread as some believe. False complaints can occur in any legal system, but the focus should be on ensuring due process and protecting the rights of both the victim and the accused.
  3. POCSO Act violates the rights of the accused: Some argue that the POCSO Act prioritizes the rights of child victims at the expense of the rights of the accused. However, the act seeks to balance the rights of both parties by providing safeguards such as fair trial procedures, legal representation for the accused, and penalties for false complaints.
  4. POCSO Act criminalizes consensual sexual activity among adolescents: There is a misconception that the POCSO Act criminalizes consensual sexual activity between adolescents of similar ages. However, the act exempts consensual sexual activity between two minors within a certain age range from prosecution, recognizing the developmental stage of adolescents.
  5. Reporting under the POCSO Act leads to family breakdown: Some believe that reporting instances of child sexual abuse under the POCSO Act can lead to family breakdown or societal stigma. While reporting abuse can be challenging, it is essential for the protection and well-being of the child. Support services are available to help families navigate the process and cope with the aftermath of abuse.
  6. POCSO Act discourages interaction between adults and children: There is a misconception that the POCSO Act discourages positive interaction between adults and children, such as mentoring or coaching relationships. However, the act aims to prevent sexual abuse while promoting healthy and safe interactions between adults and children. It encourages adults to be vigilant and responsible in their interactions with children.
  7. POCSO Act only addresses physical abuse: While the POCSO Act primarily focuses on sexual offenses against children, it also covers other forms of abuse, such as sexual harassment, pornography, and grooming. The act recognizes the diverse ways in which children can be exploited and provides legal remedies for such offenses.

Addressing these myths is essential to foster a better understanding of the POCSO Act and its objectives, promote effective implementation, and ensure the protection of children from sexual exploitation.

Creating a Safe Internet Environment at Home: Best Practices for Parents

According to Nationally representative poll, two third of parents are worried about children’s  increased time on devices, including overall screen time and use of social media, taking number 1 and number 2 spots on the children’s health concerns this year.(Hindustan Times). 

Recent Common Sense Media research shows that media use by tweens (ages 8ā€“12 years) and teens (ages 13ā€“18 years) rose faster in the two years since the COVID-19 pandemic than the four years before. The research found 8- to 12-year-olds spend an average of five and a half hours a day on screens and consuming media. That rate climbs to over eight and a half hours a day for teens.

Among teens, 79% said they use social media and online videos at least once a week, and 32% of these said they “wouldn’t want to live without” YouTube. And nearly two-thirds (65%) of tweens said they watch TV, 64% watch online videos and 43% play games on a smartphone or tablet every day.

In another survey, 71% of parents with younger children (under 12 years old) said they were concerned about their child spending too much time in front of screens

Quite alarming right?

Technology inherently neither beneficial nor detrimental. It all depends upon its usage. But again, it is the responsibility of a parent to assess what is developmentally appropriate for their child. This can be done by informing children about pros and cons of specific digital media consumed by them. But again, the question arises is how much is too much. The answer is not that straight forward. There are various factors that are involved in this.

First and foremost, what type of digital media your child is consuming, be it games, social media, the news, online videos, apps, texting, FaceTime, educational content etc?

Secondly what is the motivation behind using technology be it peer pressure, boredom, research, socializing or just a feelgood factor?

Thirdly, how much time a child is spending on using technology  and doing any other things like reading book, sleeping, playing etc.?

Fourthly, whatever a child is watching is it aligning with the family values or not?

It also depends upon child’s personal attributes like, his or her personality, mental health condition, age, etc.

Lastly, what is the setting of child using any technology, is he watching alone, or with friends, or with an unknown person.

Only when all these questions are considered, you would be able to answer how much  screen time is actually Ok.

Concern remains the same if we don’t find a solution to control what they should watch and for how long? I have come across a word called digital diet. It is like any other healthy diet we look for a child. For example, how much sugar a child should consume? Neither too much nor too less, anything which is balanced. Similarly, Digital diet is consuming digital media without compromising on their physical and cognitive learning and development.

It might seem overwhelming but with all the information available online be it parental control, parenting groups, scholarly research, monitoring apps and Happinetz technology which is definitely a revolution in this digital world, parenting do look possible.

Happinetz is a safe internet for kids’ box that connects to your home router wired or wirelessly. Once connected, it creates a separate WiFi which filters out age-inappropriate internet and helps you set screen time schedules for devices connected to this WiFi. Happinetz continuously monitors more than 110 million websites and apps and is preconfigured to block more than 22 million adult and unsecured websites.

  • Exhaustive filtering system
  • Customizable internet schedule
  • Insight to help parents monitor what websites & apps children are opening
  • Quick setup: A quick 2 step-5 minutes process
  • Zero kid involvement: No need to download apps on your child’s device
  • Device compatibility: Connect up to 10 devices, including Android or iOS phones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.

By using Happinetz you will definitely be solving much of your problems but with this we can also make a Family Technology Plan. In this plan you can list down certain rules.

  • Device can only be used after finishing studies and before dinner and should not be used during mealtime, school time and before going to bed.
  • Device can be used only for 30 mins at a stretch.
  • What type of digital media to be used need to be decided like, YouTube, WhatsApp etc.
  • Where to use the device? For example, in the presence of parents or in common area etc.

How To Bring Up A Disciplined Child ?

Parents want the best in life for their children, a major part of their time and effort is directed towards their child. Children are always their priority and raising them in a healthy environment and taking good care of them is all that they could think of. Parenting is not inherent, itā€™s an art that has to be cultivated. Sometimes as a parent while dealing with our children, we tend to forget our childhood, its joys, and sorrows, its pleasure and difficulties. Things which children enjoy immensely like splashing in a muddy puddle, borrowing in the sand, imitating teachers, frolicking in the rain, this might seem useless to parents and the only thing they look for is how to discipline them so that they donā€™t make them embarrassed in front of others.
Remember discipline does not mean putting an undue restriction on children. It is an ongoing process that requires giving specific instructions that are clear cut with a lot of clarity. As every child is unique and acquiring new skills every day, parents need to be patient and should not treat them like a puppet. The right kind of discipline is one of the keys to having a happy home and is also essential for the holistic development and well-being of every child. Discipline varies with age, needs, and situations.

15 Ways to Discipline Your Child

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