Wardrobe Evaluation – Better way of managing clothes

When you open your closet and see it filled with clothes, yet feel you have nothing to wear, it’s likely the clothes don’t work for your life style, your personal style, or work together in ways that reflect you the way you want to be seen. The typical tendency is to go out and buy more”stuff”- to buy into the latest “must have” list. The opposite tendency is to stop buying anything, assuming that what you want is not available or cost too much. In either case, seize the moment and overcome the fear of fashion. Look at yourself and your clothes in the light of an objective wardrobe evaluation.

Benefits of Wardrobe Evaluation

Wardrobe Evaluation defines your likes and dislikes, defines your personal style. It helps you in knowing what you need to add or discard from the wardrobe. It helps you make better use of the clothing you already own. It aids in saving your time and energy in shopping, sorting,dressing,cleaning,pressing,repairing and replacing. It will also helps you create and maintain an attractive,healthy self-image, knowing that your clothes enhances your appearance. Think of the functions of wardrobe evaluation as rewards. Experiencing any of these rewards makes the time and effort worthwhile.

Clothes Sorting / Grouping

  1. Clothes you love or like and wear often go in the first groups.
  2. Clothes you don’t particularly like and may dislike, but must wear anyways because they are what you have, make up the second group
  3. Clothes you never wear, regardless of whether you like them or not, belong in the third group.

Discard What doesn’t Work

  • Clothes too small or too short
  • Clothes that are uncomfortable
  • Clothes too large or too long
  • Clothes that duplicate
  • Clothes you have no place to wear
  • Clothes obviously out of date
  • Clothes worn out
  • Clothes that no longer for your image
Continue reading “Wardrobe Evaluation – Better way of managing clothes”

Changing the way India Learns

Metamorphosis (Swati Mathur) in association with Burgeon Training Solutions conducted a workshop on “Changing the way India Learns“.

Learning in an ongoing process, once you stop learning you stop growing. But is that enough? What is important is that you should transform yourself from a passive learner to an active learner. We have seen this transformation from different learning theories which starts from Behaviourism theory move on to Cognitivism theory and then to Constructivism theory.

Continue reading “Changing the way India Learns”

A World full of Happiness…

I wish to live in a world with full of happiness,

A world where there is no place of loneliness,

A world with full of positivity,  A world where there is equality,

A world where women are respected, A world where there is no hatred,

A world where there is a mental peace, which I love to embrace,

Corruption, scandals and what not, Lets end this and put a full stop,

Let’s live in a world where there is peace and harmony,

As that’s the kind of happy place I want to live in,

I am sure that’s what everyone else also dream’s in!

Continue reading “A World full of Happiness…”

Six Ways to make Learning Effective

Learning is a process which brings together your personal and environmental experience and influences for acquiring, enriching and modifying one’s knowledge, values, behaviour, skills, attitudes and world views.

As learning in inevitable, you cannot not learn.  We all need to learn and huge part of learning takes place during our academic years. However , nobody formally teaches us how to learn effectively. There are number of techniques which can help us in accelerating learning process.

Pomodoro Technique : Pomodoro technique is one of the Time Management Tools developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down task into intervals, traditionally for 25 mins and then relaxation time of 5mins. After fourth Pomodoro take a long break, continue this until calling it a day. This technique is very effective for people who work under strict deadlines and even otherwise also. It has three important elements

#Focus : 100% attention

#No interruptions : 0% distraction

#Reward : Feel good factor

Continue reading “Six Ways to make Learning Effective”