10 ways to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview- Campus To Corporate

The one thing that held people pursuing their dream is fear of failure and to overcome that, one needs to have self-confidence. If we do anything with the mindset of having nothing to lose than no uncertainties can ever stop us achieving what we ever dream of.

Being interviewed for a job can make you nervous, sacred and doubtful about your own abilities. And to add to these feelings you need to come across as cool, clam and confident during the interview. The question is How to build self-confidence? Do you believe in yourself? If the answer is yes then why to worry, but if the answer is No , then why to worry, as I have the list of ways that can help you overcome this fear and make you a confident interviewee.

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10 Valuable Online Interview Tips To help You Succeed – Campus To Corporate

Amidst Convid -19 though some companies have freeze their hiring process due to which unemployment are at its peak but the good news is few companies have actually accelerated their hiring process and one of the reason is that recruiters are finding it easy to reach out to prospective candidates as most of them are working from home and free from meeting and travelling. But the catch is most of them are going online. Due to technological development virtual interviews are becoming much more convenient and companies do get cost advantage while conducting interviews online. As more and more companies are moving to online job interviews are you prepared to nail one? 

For freshers online interview can be little challenging as they are not just new to the corporate world but also new to virtual world in terms of profession.  The fact is 75% of executive use real video to interview leading candidates. In my previous post I have given tips to ace your interview skills, those are also applicable for online interviews in addition with few more specific tips.

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