6 Development Levels……leads to Achievement of Goals

We are born without any preconceived idea about ourselves. As we grow older, we gain experience with ourselves, with our surroundings, and with others. We perceive our bodies and begin to develop ideas about ourselves that impact our lives.

There are six important Development levels, if achieved can lead you to achieve your goals.

Positive Body Image : This is how you perceive your physical self- the mental picture and ideas you have about your body size, shape, strength,coloration,features, and so forth. It begins to develop early in life and evolve over time. Body Image can be negative, positive,accurate or inaccurate. particularly as we form or perceive this image in comparison with others and in relation to cultural fashion ideals of what is considered attractive and what is not. Some steps which can enhance your Body image:

  • Explore your personal body image with its strengths and limitations
  • Confront thinking distortions related to your body
  • Challenge misleading assumptions about body appearance
  • Accept and love who you are
  • Be comfortable with your body
  • Have positive experience and positive affirmations with your body
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Six Ways to make Learning Effective

Learning is a process which brings together your personal and environmental experience and influences for acquiring, enriching and modifying one’s knowledge, values, behaviour, skills, attitudes and world views.

As learning in inevitable, you cannot not learn.  We all need to learn and huge part of learning takes place during our academic years. However , nobody formally teaches us how to learn effectively. There are number of techniques which can help us in accelerating learning process.

Pomodoro Technique : Pomodoro technique is one of the Time Management Tools developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down task into intervals, traditionally for 25 mins and then relaxation time of 5mins. After fourth Pomodoro take a long break, continue this until calling it a day. This technique is very effective for people who work under strict deadlines and even otherwise also. It has three important elements

#Focus : 100% attention

#No interruptions : 0% distraction

#Reward : Feel good factor

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