How To Know That Your Clothes Are In Harmony With Your Lifestyle and Personal Style (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

Here is my 14th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. This is something which every Image Consultant has to do before he/she recommend anything to his/her client. And that is “Need Analysis of client’s Personal style and Lifestyle”.

Long before you begin planning a cluster, go shopping, or evaluate your wardrobe, you need to identify the factors contributing to your own lifestyle and personal style. We have more clothing options today than ever before. The time is right to choose what works for you,  for the way you live and the way you need or want to look and be seen. To guide you in your choices, examine your lifestyle and personal style.

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Importance of Layering in Clothing

Layering is the key to make all season clothes work for you. It leads to style, individuality, versatility,  insulating effect and exciting interest in a wardrobe. Layering allows for creative dressing at its best.

Apart from comfort, layering can offer much more than that. There are number of benefits which layering can suggest, lets discuss all of them.

Temperature Control

To add warmth during winter season one can layer several pieces of clothing. Air trapped between layers of fabric and heated by the body increases the insulating effect of the clothes. If the temperature rises one can always remove a layer to feel better. Natural clothing fabric absorb body moisture, allowing it to evaporate. It is therefore better to wear natural fiber garments next to your skin for the most efficient effect.

Save Money

Layering allows you to extend your clothing wear by using your summer clothes into fall by layering the pieces. You can reduce your buying if you will learn the art of layering. For example wearing sleeveless blouses which one usually wear in summers with a jacket or a sweater in winters can help in saving money.

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