Holding A Grudge Can Affect Your Mental Health #MentalHealth #CauseAChatter

One of the most common self-defeating behavior I have come across is holding a grudge against others. Despite our best intentions, when push comes to shove, not forgiving and not forgetting is what we end up doing. The most sound advice we hear from people is “forgive and forget” but is very difficult to live up to. Am I right?

So when you find difficult to forgive someone just remember this saying from Mahatma Gandhi, – “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” I am sure this will definitely hurt your ego and you would be propel to forgive and forget.

Everything said and done for some people, holding a grudge may be the first step in accepting and acknowledging their feelings to themselves and to the person who they feel wronged them.

Why do people hold a grudge?

When they feel someone has let them down. However, it may be justifiable to be upset or resentful but a healthier approach may be to address the situation head-on with the person in question, especially as misunderstandings or misplaced expectations are often the roots of these issues.

But whatever the intentions or the cause of resentfulness, holding a grudge can end up hurting you as much as the person who caused it. Therefore, it is important to learn how one can begin to let go of their grudges and cope with the anger. Holding a grudge can effect physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing of the person.

The more you try to remember, the more traumatic the whole experience would be and can completely destroy your mental peace. Also remember you may think that remembering you past hurt will keep you guarded from getting hurt again but your wariness can make you so uptight and guarded that others find it takes too much effort to deal with you. You could end up safe but alone.

How holding a grudge affects mental health?

Not forgiving is as good as continuing to blame. It can be considered as powerful defence mechanism where in, you find a target for your anger and frustration. It does protect you from owning your flaws but making your problems someone else’s fault leaves you in a passive position. You may feel good as you have exempted yourself from the responsibility, however at the same time it is keeping you away from taking steps to remedy your situations. Nurturing negative feeling makes you more exposed to more unpleasant emotions and thoughts, which can poison your mindset toward negativity. When a person exaggerates his or her feeling to an extent that the act of holding a grudge becomes more painful than the event itself. Build-up resentments can lead to many mental health concerns like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-Harm
  • Emotional Dysregulation
  • Suicidal

What kind of people have more tendency to hold grudges?

People who are more vulnerable towards jealousy, sensitivity, immaturity, negativity, and impulse control may be more apt to hold grudges. Cultural, lifestyle, parenting, environmental, genetic, and other factors may also contribute to an individual person’s tendency to hold resentments as well.

What kind of people are less likely to hold grudges?

Those who are more empathetic, resilient, have a better ability to self-regulate, and have stronger coping skills are less likely to hold grudges. Even certain lifestyle habits, including regular exercise, can also make you more forgivable and flexible.

“Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note- torn in two and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one”. – Henry Ward Beecher

We forgive when we no longer need to blame, we forget when we no longer need to remember…You agree?

Action plan to letting go grudges

  • Ask yourself what not forgiving and forgetting is costing you.
  • Acknowledge what the other person did wrong and what you would accept from him/her.
  • Ask yourself how you might have contributed to the problem.
  • Determine what you need to learn to prevent nasty experience again.
  • Move on in life.

Ways to letting go grudges

  • Be empathetic
  • Acceptance
  • Practice any form of exercise
  • Meditation
  • Self-care
  • Self-appreciation
  • Lean conflict management techniques
  • Start journalizing your feelings
  • Surround yourself with supportive and positive people

“To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it”.

 ‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.’

This post is part of Blogchatter’s #CauseAChatter

Four Types of Employee Training Programs #CampusToCorporate

When a company invest in employees training programs, they are actually investing in their own success. We all are living in an era where technology advances are common and to survive in this ever-changing world every employee demands their companies to facilitate them with continuous training programs to keep them abreast with the latest technologies, trends and different industrial processes. Now these training methods are designed not just to enhance employees skills but help in improving their performance and productivity, develop efficiency in their job, and avoid violations of laws and regulations and prepare them for the future.

Benefits of training programs

These ongoing training programs brings out positive culture and environment that facilitates employees in becoming

  • More adaptive: An employee who is more adaptive in nature will never fear a change. They would challenge themselves by being more innovative. Adaptability increases their chances of succeeding, as they will find themself trying out different job.
  • More productive: As every employee will be familiar with their roles and responsibilities it will help them to give their 100% and be more productive and efficient.
  • Improve morale: Employee training sharpens the skills and knowledge of employees, which results in a boost of their morale and adds a sense of job satisfaction as well as security. A satisfied and motivated employee is a great asset for organizational success.
  • Improve retention: Every company want an efficient employee and every employee want an opportunity to grow. A company with a culture of continuous learning and development leads to  higher retention rates. This is why prioritizing training inspires top talent to stick around for a long time.
  • Reduce error: Workplace training makes employees more proficient and reduces the chances of them committing errors on the job. It strengthens the functioning and abilities of the employees.
  • Identifying weaknesses: Employee training program will make organization aware about their weaknesses and allows to strengthen the skills that each employee needs to improve.

Four different types of training programs

Orientation Training

Orientation training program is generally conducted by the HR department of any company to train and make them aware about their roles and company policies. The orientation program benefits both employee and employer as both get to learn about each other which is must for their success.

Onboarding training

Onboarding training helps new employees to speed up their understanding of their responsibilities and organizational culture in becoming productive team members quickly. Onboarding is responsible for truly integrating an employee within an organization. This training includes functional training where in employee has been given overview of the company and their roles and goals.

Compliance Training

This is one of the mandatory training that every organization needs to provide. It educates employees on the laws and regulations applicable to their job function or industry. Some of the examples of compliance trainings are anti-harassment, diversity, cybersecurity and business ethics. Undergoing this training will help in minimizing the risks and provide better and safe workplace environment for employees.

Soft Skills Training

Soft skills training is very crucial for every organization as employees trained in soft skills will help organization in maintaining good customer relationships, gaining new clients and building stronger team dynamics. Soft skills training includes communication skills, negotiation skills, conflict management skills, leadership skills, sales and customer service ready and team building. These skills are not only necessary for their individual career growth but for the overall development of the organization.

Things to remember

Identifying and implementing right training program for your organization enables you to create rich learning opportunities that can truly empower your employees to grow with the organization.

Make sure that these training programs are interactive. Interactive training engages each individual and connects them personally and focuses on learner’s engagement which leads to higher productivity and performance.

Every training program should have a purpose and a goal as it puts them in the right direction for creating and setting realistic employee training goals and objectives. Your organization’s training goals should be SMART so that they know what is expected to achieve by the end of a training program. 

‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.’