Difference Between Resume Making and Resume Building

In order to understand the difference between a resume making and resume building first we need to know what Resume is:

Resume is a marketing documents which is used to make a favorable impression on the recruiter. This is the first point of contact so make sure that it is impressive and to the point. A Resume is a detailed summary of your credentials which greatly assist you in various arenas of your professional life. The sole purpose of your resume is to sell your credentials for the purpose of employment. Your Resume is to get you an interview, not a job! . An Interview call means your resume has made a favorable impression and your qualifications and experience have been found to be appropriate for the assignment. The thought of having to write a resume can be daunting for the most seasoned of players and even more in the current job market, so for fresher who wouldn’t know what to include, what to leave out and what format to followed can be a big dilemma. There are times when Resume is sent through e-mail, that’s when the need to know basics of E-mail Etiquette’s comes into picture. You can know more about resume making here.

Resume making is mainly putting your achievements on a sheet of paper. It has more to do with the structuring of your details. It can be done on a short period of time. While resume building is a continuous and a complex process which should begin very early and spread over a period of 3 to 4 years.. It is the act of visualizing the content of your resume.

So when should the task of resume building begin?

Ideally, when a student enters his/her graduation course and set her/her professional goal. The student should visualize what their resume should contain and start working towards achieving them, Let us now understand what should the resume contain and more importantly why? To answer this question, we need to think from the point of view of the interviewer. It is very common for any student to be tensed before a job interview. It is because, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding the type of questions that he/she might have to face in the interview. It is possible for a student to exercise control over the type of question they might have to face, at least to a certain extent. Yes that true but this can only happen when they start focusing on resume building.

Now this can happen if your resume has all these content:

  • Internships : Where a student will have a short term work experience in any company to get some entry level exposure to a particular industry or field. It is as much as learning experience as it is work. Here students spend their time on specific project of their interest, learning about the field, networking and developing hard and soft skills.
  • Workshops : This is where a teaching staff presents theme or concepts or the development of a skill related to the course of the study. Workshops gives more hands on learning however also allow more discussion, debate, interaction and presentation on a given topic.
  • Seminars: It is an important part of an academic program where a group of advanced students studying under a professor with each doing original research and all exchanging results through reports and discussions.
  • Project : This is nothing but a learning by doing. Students needs to do many mini projects and major project in their final here. This will give them exposure and deeper understanding of the concepts . A project is a chance to immerse yourself in a more ‘active learning’ experience. It will include activities such as planning, researching, creating, thinking critically, building, testing, and reporting.
  • Self Study: Using self-study, students are able to go beyond simply learning what their class textbooks and instructors teach them. By practicing self-study, they are encouraged to further explore topics they are interested in, developing stronger study skills as a result.
  • Paper presentation: Paper presentation is a technical event which is an individual competition where each participant is required to make a paper about a given topic or area, and then present it in front of the juries. It involves extensive research and originality.
  • Proactive technical orientation: The Technological  Orientation scale measures the tendency or habit of seeking to increase one’s repertoire of skills and uses of technology-based resources and programs; toward valuing the Internet and other technological means of accessing credible sources of information or researching a problem; toward being interested in staying current and learning about new technologies.

You are literally telling the Interviewer the areas to ask you questions from. Isn’t this better than having theoretical knowledge and being scared of the interview? When the questions are from your area of interest , your experience and efforts, should you be worry about technical excellence, inferiority complex. going blank or low confidence? Resume building helps you to build confidence and that lead to success. As the saying goes ” Failing to plan is equal to planning to fail”.

If a student understand the basic difference between resume making and resume building , he not only become successful and confident but will be prepared to face any tough situations with ease.


#BlogchatterA2Z : “H” – Harmony in Elements of Design (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone ,

This is my 8th post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Today I am discussing the importance of harmony is all the elements of design. Harmony is the sense that all of the elements of your design fit together.

Harmony among Fabrics and Textures

To appear harmonious, combine two or more fabric textures in terms of the mood, occasion, personality traits, and values you want to communicate. Texture may be similar to or may contrast with each other. Similar textures are relatively easy to combine but can be to repetitious, everything can look the same to the point of appearing monotonous or boring. Contrast in texture can be more interesting, effective and appealing, communicating subtle differences of mood, occasion and personality. For example tulle, satin and sequins are associated with dressy, festive or glamorous occasions, yet the difference in their surface textures adds interest to the whole outfit. The same is true in the combination of denim, flannel and cowhide, with silver buttons and belt buckle. All textures work together as they communicate dress from the casual, rugged, western outdoors. Denim paired with chiffon is not to be harmonious because extreme differences in their characteristics, use and care.

Harmony among Colors

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#BlogchatterA2Z : “E”- Elements Of Design (A2Z of Image Management)

Hi Everyone,

This is my fifth post for #BlogchatterA2Z challenge, here I am talking about “Elements of Design”. Technically this should be my first post. We often hear or read “Watch out for the messages your clothes send,” or “Be careful about the statement you make with your clothes.” But almost no one knows what’s doing the talking. It’s the “elements of design”, the lines, shapes, colour, texture and patterns. They speak before you do. In fact they never shut up, Change one detail of dress and you change the message or statement you make.

All clothing is a combination or composition of lines, shapes, colour, texture and pattern that is called “Elements of design”. Below is the brief description of all the elements-

Line: It is an elongated mark that connects two or more points. Line divides and encloses space, creating shapes and forms. Seam lines decides and enclose space on a garment. The characteristic of lines could be straight and curved.

Shapes: It refers to the area or empty space enclosed by a line, creating the outline or outer edge of an object. The outer edge or silhouette of a garment is a shape. Shapes or forms within a garment might include sleeves, cuffs, pockets, shirt yokes and plackets, skirt, gores and so forth. The characteristic of a shape could be angular and rounded.

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A 2 Z of Image Management: Series about Developing Inner Strength and Reflecting them Outside #BlogchatterA2Z #TheThemeReveal

Hi Everyone,

From the time I have become member of Blogchatter’s community , I have been waiting to participate in A2Z campaign. And now when we are few days away from it to begin , I am feeling jittery , excited and nervous, all at the same time. This is my first time participation in the most happening campaign #BlogchatterA2Z, organised my one of the most selfless and active community.

To be part of such a campaign one needs to be committed, disciplined, proactive and positive. It’s a month long campaign , 26 Alphabet, 26 post in 26 days. Wow! it is going to be fun as there is going to be lot of good reading and writing and sharing.

Being an Image consultant I will be sharing “A2Z of Image Management”. Image management is all about developing your inner strength and at the same time reflect them on the outside appearance. Developing inner strength is all about working on your self esteem, attitude and soft skills while reflecting them to the outside world through creating impact full first Impression and by developing flawless visual communication through appearance. Creating a powerful first impression is essential to get more opportunities in life. We all carry certain skills ability and experience but the people we meet often judge us only by what meets the eye.

The concept of image management applies to anyone who has ever needed to improve self image , self-worth, self-confidence, capability and credibility. It applies to all those who ever wanted to get an idea across to someone else, to influence opinion or action, be it in the home , the school, community or workplace.

It is all about creating an authentic, appropriate , attractive and affordable image. As an individual living and working in a highly complex or competitive society, it become even more important to recognize and understand the impact of your appearance as it communicates first to you and to others.

What you wear and the way you look affects the way you think, feel, behave and the way people react to you. You cannot afford to create a negative impression. When you appear personally authentic, appropriate for the and attractively dressed and groomed, you create a positive impression and others are more able to perceive your positive traits and regard and respond to you more favourably.

I am not going to reveal much as surprises make things more riveting. But I can assure you this series can reveal some of the facts which are going to be interesting and revealing too and applying them can help you succeed in your personal and professional life.

Stay tuned as Blogchatter is definitely going to make this campaign more interesting and intriguing.


10 Reasons – Why do people procrastinate?

I have been talking about different learning techniques and various barriers which hinder the process of effective learning from quite a some time now. One of the most crucial and widely accepted barrier which I would like to share in detail is “Procrastination”. Someone rightly said “Procrastination is a grave in which opportunity is buried”. This article is inspired by one of my all time favorite book “What our habit reveal about us” as it is beautifully described there.

Stop nagging me, I will do it. How many times have you said it or heard it at some stage of your lives, only to remember a week later that we still haven’t done what was required?

Procrastination is almost endemic amongst the human race, with one in five people being classified as chronic procrastinators. Internet has made it even more worst as it is so much more fun to check your emails , go gaming, view in a few web pages, enroll in yet another dating sites or head for the chat room. Rather than increase our productivity, 45% of the time we spend online is to avoid actual working. Which is a huge dent in the work life of an average employee. Time management and procrastination are related but not to an extent that one might assume. In fact low self esteem is the most significant trait of the procrastinator, which leads to larger ego. Lets understand this better. In order to compensate for feelings of inadequacy one needs to inflate oneself. To do this our ego creates a world where it can thrive, at the expense of our higher self. Most of us suffer from low self -esteem in some area or another. Why do procrastinators procrastinate?

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Changing Minds- Human Psyche is Multi-faceted – Campus To Corporate

And finally, we have reached to the last post of the series “Campus to Cooperate”. I consider this as the most important of all . There are two reasons for it,

Firstly I chose this theme to help students and freshers who are looking for a job and due to the pandemic finding it difficult to prepare. To deal with this, I came up with some extremely valuable tips which can aid them with tools and strategies to have smooth transition from Campus to Corporate. The topics which I covered were:

Professional Dressing Skills

Resume making tips

Tips on Group Discussion

Tips on Personal Interview

Tips on Virtual Interview

Ways to boost confidence

Emotional Intelligence

Secondly after understanding the Insight from Blogchatter ,the top themes which emerged were Mental health, Education and Motivation. As most of the time I talk about developing inner strength which deals with various critical skills and reflecting the same through appearance, I realized this is what my niche is ,which I need to capitalize on and I am certainly going in the right direction.

This Post has all the three elements in it and that is the reason I consider it as the most important and crucial post of this series.

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Emotional Intelligence leads to Success – Campus To Corporate

According to HelpGuide – “Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. It can also help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to you”.

I have talked about seven rainbow rules to increase Emotional Intelligence in my earlier post.

There are four key skills which helps you to increase your EQ – Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management.

These skills can be developed but prior that it is important to understand how to deal with emotions. If I say it’s our thoughts which creates emotions, I won’t be wrong.

Now there are two common beliefs which contradict each other. First -you should always trust emotions and second – is feelings are irrational and cannot be trusted. In reality both these beliefs are wrong.

People generally ask questions like should emotions be trusted, So if you understand that your thoughts create your emotions, you can learn how to control your thoughts. Emotions are just body reactions to what you are thinking in various situations. They are neither right nor wrongs it is just reacting to your thoughts. Unhappy is an emotion, you can be unhappy because you don’t have something you desire but you are unhappy because of the thought of not having something you desire.

 Your unconscious mind is always working , that’s why sometimes people have no idea why do they feel the way they do. Sometimes people’s emotions get triggered by cues which we get from the environment but most of the times it is our thoughts which triggers our emotions. It is our interpretation of the situation that causes emotional reaction to the situation.

There is something called as CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) which provide us evidence that we have control over our thoughts and that’s when we can actually control our emotions. This is difficult but this skill can be learned. For that you need to recognize the negative emotion, you identify the thought behind it and then you can change the emotion. If you succeed in doing that , you can have better personal and professional relationships, which in turn can accelerate your success.

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10 ways to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview- Campus To Corporate

The one thing that held people pursuing their dream is fear of failure and to overcome that, one needs to have self-confidence. If we do anything with the mindset of having nothing to lose than no uncertainties can ever stop us achieving what we ever dream of.

Being interviewed for a job can make you nervous, sacred and doubtful about your own abilities. And to add to these feelings you need to come across as cool, clam and confident during the interview. The question is How to build self-confidence? Do you believe in yourself? If the answer is yes then why to worry, but if the answer is No , then why to worry, as I have the list of ways that can help you overcome this fear and make you a confident interviewee.

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10 Valuable Online Interview Tips To help You Succeed – Campus To Corporate

Amidst Convid -19 though some companies have freeze their hiring process due to which unemployment are at its peak but the good news is few companies have actually accelerated their hiring process and one of the reason is that recruiters are finding it easy to reach out to prospective candidates as most of them are working from home and free from meeting and travelling. But the catch is most of them are going online. Due to technological development virtual interviews are becoming much more convenient and companies do get cost advantage while conducting interviews online. As more and more companies are moving to online job interviews are you prepared to nail one? 

For freshers online interview can be little challenging as they are not just new to the corporate world but also new to virtual world in terms of profession.  The fact is 75% of executive use real video to interview leading candidates. In my previous post I have given tips to ace your interview skills, those are also applicable for online interviews in addition with few more specific tips.

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Ace Your Interview Skills – Campus To Corporate

This is my Fourth post on the theme Campus to Corporate. Hiring manager decides to call for an interview based on your impressive Resume and after you clear your other rounds like, technical, aptitude and group discussion.Therefore personal Interview is one of the most crucial in the process of recruitment as this is the final round which decides whether you are in or out.

Job interviews are of utmost importance for you as a job aspirants, especially if you are taking your first step in this regards. Hiring manager calls for an interview only if you pass through Group discussion especially if they are going for mass hiring. A good interview can make or break the confidence of a job seeker. In this world of employment it is more important than ever to have good interviewing skills due to increasing competition and the main reason for this is that graduation rates are increasing and students will leave college with more competition. If you fail to create a good impression it could cost you an opportunity.

This shows that having good grades and appropriate working experience is not enough to get your dream job, you need to have strong interviewing skills.

Planning and preparation before the interview

  • Collect as much as information as you can about the organization you will be going for an interview.
  • Go through the job description and requirement in detail as you will know what is expected from you.
  • Resume and Interview call letter should be carried along when you are called for an interview.
  • It is important that you confirm the date and venue before you head for the interview.
  • Groom properly and look your professional (Dressing) best.
  • Conduct mock interview with your friends and family members.
  • Be prepared with the expected questions you expect, read and reread and edit them to make them concise and practice these polished answers out loud, repeatedly.
  • Try to be positive and do not worry about outcome.
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