10 Golden Rules of E-mail Etiquette to create Perfect Impression

Email etiquette is a prescribed code of behavior one should follow while communicating through email . Once, considered as a casual way of communication, is now a most preferred way of corporate communication as it can an be used as a proof and keep the person accountable . All professional email communication need to make an impression about the person who is communicating is a credible professional. It can be one of the first contact point for someone or deal maker or breaker and for others, therefore it becomes even more important to create good first impression by following proper email etiquette. Following these tips you can make effective communication and create impact which you aim for.

10 Important e-mail Etiquette tips

  1. Be Precise and Effective: Be as clear and concise as possible .if something takes pages of text to explain, you’re probably better off doing it in person or over the phone. Do not combine too many subjects in one single mail, this can dilute your message and you might confuse the recipient. The golden rule of email communication is be short and sweet. Stick with all of the traditional writing rules you learned in school. That means proper sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation. Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate. Bold important information so that it stands out, Use a legible font, and avoid too many different font colors. You want your message to be as simple to read as possible.
  2. Always use Grammar and spell check option : No matter how confident you are with your writing skills , it is vital to do a spell and grammar check. Try and do proof reading as many a times you can.
  3. Do not write in CAPITAL : Professional mails should always be written in sentence case, as using capital gives an impression of being rude and insensitive ,so avoid doing that.
  4. Create your message as a stand-alone note : Do not assume the recipient knows what you are talking about. If your mail is a response to a chain of mails still create your message as a stand alone note by writing appropriate subject with reference to the previous mails.
  5. Use an appropriate greeting and full name to conclude your email : Using “Hey,” ” or “Hiya” isn’t professional, no matter how well you know the recipient. Use “Hi” or “Hello” instead. To be more formal, use “Dear (insert name).” Using the person’s name in the salutation — “Hello Rahul” — is quite appropriate, but remember not to shorten a person’s name unless you’re given permission to do so. Every email should have your signature that’s your complete name  that tells the recipient who you are and how to contact you. You can create your own brand email signature to look more professional.
  6. Avoid using shortcuts to real words : Never ever use jargon, slang or emojis as it do not translate well in business communication. Research has revealed that using shortcuts in work email creates a bad impression about you and make you look less competent,
  7. Be clear in your subject line: Make your subject line more specific, that allows your recipients to immediately glean what your message is all about. Do not skip the subject field entirely as no body like to receive a mail with NO Subject and do not exceed the subject more than 10 words, try to keep it short. Your subject should match the content of your mail so that the recipient is aware what they are going to look at. Your subject line should be descriptive and relatively short. Ideally, it should give the recipient a good idea whether they want to open your message.
  8. Respond in timely fashion : Preferred reply time is somewhere around between 24 hours-72 hours. Again it depends upon whom you are responding to and how urgent is your mail, depending upon that you can take a call . Immediate teammates should be given reply within 12 hours .
  9. Consider your email tone: Research shows that people overestimate how often their recipients would correctly identify if their tone was sarcastic or serious. They believe that recipient get it right 86% of the time but the reality is just 56%. So it is incredibly important to be appropriate with your written communication . Avoid being sarcastic and do not use negative phrases and adjectives.
  10. Judicious use BCC (Blind carbon copy) and Reply all : BCC can be used to protect someone’s email from being exposed to others. Blind carbon copy should be avoided in professional mails as organization demands complete transparency and using BCC may breach their trust. When you select “Reply all,” you email back everyone who is either in the “To” or “Cc” fields. In case you want to reply to the specific person who is part of the thread, sent him/her separate reply.

Take your time to write a well-written message. Once you hit the send button you won’t have a second chance at a first impression.


34 Replies to “10 Golden Rules of E-mail Etiquette to create Perfect Impression”

  1. You have covered a very important topic. Writing a proper email is an art. It is very different from the friendly email that we write on daily basis. When we are introducing ourselves to someone for the first time via email then keeping in mind that it is our first impression is very important.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great tips Swati and you had covered it all. Nowdays so many people use short forms even in professional mails and that looks really annoying. Keeping it short, crisp and using appropriate language is most important points that everyone should keep in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The first impression is the last impression so If someone is writing a professional mail for the first time, he or she should keep all these points in their mind. Very useful post.


  4. Its really annoying to see people using shortcuts in professional emails. You have touched all the pointers to remember while writing an email.


  5. Thank you for sharing this post as it would be really helpful for writing a professional email is really important when you are doing some work related email. As there is a lot of difference between formula email and informal email


  6. Yes actually we all need email etiquette lesson. I find it weird when people use capital letters in any email. Plus writing lengthy email is a strict no-no.


  7. Using short cuts and capital letters in an email is a big no! It kills professionalism and often the sender comes off as amateurish. Precise clear writing and headline always grab attention.


  8. That’s very helpful guide to follow proper etiquette while writing email. I’ve been looking for this since long. Bookmarking this post for reference


  9. This is such an apt and well explained article. There are so many times people forget to differentiate the writing pattern of a formal email from that of a friendly email. This article has certainly explained all those pointers very well.


  10. With emails becoming an integral part of communication, official or otherwise, it is so important to get it right. You have shared some golden rules on the dos and don’ts of email writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You have shared a very important topic and this is very important to leave a very good impression when we are sending emails for the first time to anyone. The points which you have mentioned is very helpful, especially for the beginner.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Very nice list of email etiquettes. I hate it when people write in short forms or use SMS language. Also, I think paying attention to the tone matters a lot on an email. If there is any conflicts, it is best to sort it out verbally than writing it on emails.

    Liked by 1 person

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