What IS OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)? And Ways To Deal With It

People suffering from OCD are not many, In fact only about 3% of adults have it and it is even less common in children. People generally mistake habits with OCD. However, there is a grey area between habits that we may have and OCD. For example, we may drive to work a certain way for the benefit of passing a favorite site , here we do not feel compelled to do so from a belief, but if we were to feel compelled to drive a certain route because not doing so would result in a car crash, such behavior could then be said to be OCD.

To come to any conclusion it is imperative to understand : What is an obsession?

As obsession is a thought which is recurrent and persistent or something which is inappropriate and unwanted. Now when the obsession continuous without showing any apparent cause, makes you distressed and make your life difficult, that is when intervention is needed. With obsession it is an image or thought that stuck with you and will only go away when you follow some other specific action and compulsion. In OCD, often the person will be aware that the original trigger for the action or compulsion, is simply a creation of their own mind, in spite of that they cannot get rid of these thoughts and images.

Now lets understand: What is a Compulsion?

It is nothing but a reaction to the obsession and must be adhered to rigidly, failure to do so will result in a major disaster. If someone suffering from OCD force herself/himself not to follow the compulsion may result in a huge increase in stress which can be released only by performing the compulsion. They have a feeling , by performing the compulsion repeatedly , they can actually get rid of their obsession. The sufferer knows it very well that performing these compulsion is illogical but as it worked at reducing the fear and tension in the past, they are compelled to repeat.

Are there any specific types of OCD?

Well, there are infinite types of OCD, it can impact on any thought, on any subject, on any person, on any fear, and frequently fixates on what’s important in a person’s life. Some of the known OCD’s are

  • Contamination: a fear of things that might be dirty or a compulsion to clean
  • Rumination : causes a person to spend an inordinate amount of time worrying, figuring out, trying to understand, analyzing or clarifying thoughts
  • Intrusive thoughts: are usually disturbing and the person often tries to resist them
  • Mental Contamination: Having a feeling of unwanted, being treated unfairly or feeling like you’ve been treated like a dirt.
  • Checking : Confirming if things are done in right way for example, checking up of locks, alarm systems, ovens, or light switches etc.
  • Symmetry or arranging : Wants things to be lined up in certain way.

Why people don’t open up and share their problems especially if it is related to mental health?

  • Fear of being judged : One of the most common cause is fear and being misjudged. The reason could be that people recognize the negative sigma and discrimination associated with it and don’t want to be labeled as “crazy” or, “mentally ill”.
  • Lack of awareness : A person my acknowledge that something is not normal but may not understand the real cause or consequences of it.
  • Fear of hurting people they love : Their is a sense of hopelessness. They feel they might hurt their near and dear once as this is considered as a taboo in the society and people might isolate them and their family.
  • Lack of understanding from others – It is very difficult to deal with someone with OCD as they don’t want to be treated differently. They don’t trust people as they feel no one will understand them.
  • Distrust : Not everyone is comfortable sharing and when something is related to as delicate as mental health people become more conscious. They worry that their personal information won’t be kept confidential.
  • Feeling of inadequacy ; Many people believe that they are inadequate or a failure if they won’t be able to handle this on their own.
  • Other Barriers : these barriers are more practical like inability to pay for treatment due to financial hardship or lack of health insurance. Not having reliable transportation, child care issues and appointments for treatment that conflict with work or school schedules can also prevent someone from engaging in treatment.

When do you know that you need an outside help?

According to the research, in terms of brain chemistry, insufficient serotonin levels may be a cause of OCD and that brain circuits appear to return to normal after taking serotonin medication or receiving cognitive behavioral psychotherapy.

It really disturbs me when I see that most of the time OCD goes unrecognized. According to the Obsessive Compulsion Foundation, studies show that it takes an average of seventeen years from the onset of OCD until the obtaining of appropriate treatment. What do you think would be the reason? Well as far as my experience with my clients, most of the time sufferer keep it a secret, as they feel no body will understand and most importantly access to appropriate treatment is not always available. This is a pity as with proper treatment patient can avoid suffering and can lessen the risk of developing further problems. In some cases it has been witnessed that after treatment, patient was fully cured or in some cases they have gained symptomatic relief.

How can you help someone suffering from OCD?

Offer support and understanding

It is very important that you clearly communicate to them that you do understand the difference between behavioral symptoms of OCD and the person. When compulsions are visible you need to convey to them that you know it is not them it is their OCD. This will help to reduce the person’s feeling of guilt and low self worth and in return can also help in diminishing of their stress and anxiety. Once they open up and discuss it becomes easier for you to understand how it affects them and how you can be more supportive.

Do not Comply with OCD behavior

Some times you comply with their request and do what pleases them, as you find it much easier then dealing with the prolonged anxiety, fear, or arguments that may arise if you don’t do what is asked. But this can act as a hindrance in their recovery process if they are undergoing any sort of treatment. Yes, It is important to normalize family or household routines at the same time refuse to participate in reinforcing OCD behaviors. 

Reach out for support for yourself and for the sufferer

Living with someone with OCD is not easy. Make sure you not only confide in someone who understands you and guides you . It is important to maintain your connections and supports among your extended family and friends. If need arises do not hesitate to consider professional support. Contact a telephone helpline for families of people with OCD and anxiety condition.

Treatments available

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Relaxation
  • Neuromodulation
  • Transcranial Magnetic simulation

(You can google and find out these treatments in detail or can consult your Doctor)

I strongly believe, self awareness and acceptance can solve most of the problems. There is a saying that goes “the first page of the book of life is a mirror”. By understanding ourselves we can start to understand the nature of all things. We humans have a habit of ignoring our subconscious mind. Something which troubles or disturbs us we conveniently avoid rather than own and confront them. Knowing your strengths and weakness, accepting that they exist and work on them as needed can help us overcome any obstacle in life.

This Post is part of Blogchatter’s #CauseAChatter Campaign.

This blog post if part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

@Swati Mathur

41 Replies to “What IS OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)? And Ways To Deal With It”

  1. Support is definitely a necessity when dealing with someone with a mental illness. And half the battle in getting a cure is in realising that you have a mental illness and asking for help. There is no shame in it, we all deal with it; it’s about time we talk about it openly


  2. Brilliant post! I am glad you posted a detailed write-up on OCD. I feel so bad when people romanticise OCD whereas they just have a habit of keeping things in order, or are neat freak I hear so many of my friends saying, “I have OCD for cleanliness” with so much pride..OCD is beyond that.. awareness and acceptance here is the key to seek timely help. Thank you for sharing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The main problem is we don’t accept and speak out our deepest of problems. The more we open up, the more we will have peace. I too feel it as I am also a mental health fighter. Wish more people become aware of it. A very nicely written and well researched post Swati.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a coincidence! My father presented a symposium on OCD just this morning at the World Psychiatry Congress, which I could attend because everything is virtual though his session was LIVE around the world….Yes being able to distinguish OCD from other psychiatric disorders goes a long way in its timely treatment and yes, rightly pointed out that self-awareness along with acceptance will be the only way forward!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Support and right treatment can control any mental illness. Awareness is also an important factor in such cases. One of my colleagues told about her daughter suffering from OCD and I told her to visit any psychiatrist. She totally denied saying that her daughter isn’t mad, so no need for that.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Acceptance and support need to control any mental illness. Yet, awareness is also a very important factor. I’ve seen in many well-educated parents the lack of such awareness and as a result the situation goes totally out of control.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a very interesting and close to home topic…while I can have such anxieties, its difficult to unserstand at what point it is going over board and help is needed…i believe some OCD is a way of coping for the mind and sometimes therepuetic…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mental health-related problems are all ignored or brushed under the carpet. You have explained it so well in layman’s terms. There are so many people around us who are suffering from OCD but most don’t want help and others are wary of taking help.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. An excellent post. The term OCD is thrown around so loosely these days that people do not realize the gravity of it. Very much like allergies. There needs to be more awareness about it.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Acceptance of the problem can lead to many solutions. Your post definitely draws our attention towards the difference in habits and OCD. We should be non-biased towards people with OCD and listen to them being good listener.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is a really informative post. OCD is real but people use it for someone who is too nit picky. Almost all sufferers are afraid of being judged. We surely need more awareness about OCD.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Support is the biggest help to a person with OCD specially in cases of Rumination or Mental Contamination. I myself have OCD, I have to arrange my clothes or books or office desk or kitchen basically everything in an certain order and category or else I feel like my life has become chaotic. Hence I understand how much at such time support of the people around you is necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I appreciate that you’ve written about OCD in detail. Hope that the article reaches many people including those who need help to come out of the hesitation related to mental health.


  14. Very insightful post, Swati. You have brilliantly researched one of the pervasive disorders prevailing these days. But, unfortunately, mere speaking on it tagged someone with taboo. Time has come; people need to come above all this and open on such topics.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Support and gratitude are necessary when dealing with someone with a mental illness. Asking for help and listening with patience is important here. Nothing is shameful and we all deal with it; it’s about time we talk about it openly

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Very Informative post. I learned a lot about OCD after reading this. I totally agree that self-awareness and acceptance can solve many problems.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I completely agree that support is very important for OCD. I myself have OCD I have to arrange everything in my house vessels clothes or even the shoe rack in a certain order. I even go to the length where if our neighbours bell switch is left halfway I push it to upward position to allign with our switch. I just cannot help myself. At such times if my family member spoils anything I have arranged I go completely crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Supporting a an ill person is way of healing…. Really it great…. But the sad thing is that very less number of people use to come out….

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Everytime I get a patient with OCD it takes me hours to explain to them about it. But I loved how u did it so easily. It was really easy to understand.

    Liked by 1 person

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