Reasons For Fresher’s Distress and Coping Mechanism #CauseAChatter

Today, whether you are working for a well known company or a start up or for yourself, going digital is the only way forward. Generation Y and Z consuming digital content every second of their lives ,leading India to the world’s largest internet using population. And this will witness its zenith in the coming years. Though most of us are still trying hard to adapt to this changing environment, the youth is accepting it whole heartedly. But this fast changing technology is quite overwhelming for these freshers, which leads to stress and taking our attention to the fast increasing mental health issues.

Stress is the biggest trigger factor which impacts mental and physical wellbeing. The lesser or the more managed the stress levels, the better the overall wellbeing. “It is a well-known fact that physical and mental wellbeing are correlated, and one cannot be managed at the expense of the other. 

There could be numerous reasons which can induces stress but to name a few

  • Uneasy work place : shows team politics, late working hours, not fitting in with the team’s vision, not being recognized for work, expected verses actual task etc.
  • Family Issues : shows money crunch, parents pressure for getting married, emotional instability etc.
  • Exposure to technology : leads to continuous learning, industry pressure, competition etc.

There are certain set of skills which are prerequisite to be able to sustain in the competitive market. Unfortunately I feel sorry to say that freshers lack even the basic problem solving skills.

Here are the top four , most important problems fresher’s faces that leads to increase in stress

  1. Lack of Readiness : Students when step into the corporate world expected to have certain skill sets. There is a wide range of dissatisfaction among recruiters as students lack initiative skill, being efficient and flexible, accepting protocols and procedures, basic corporate etiquettes etc. Every organization today is looking for candidates who are ready for the job or someone who is trainable. Being proactive and with right attitude can actually assist them to be more acceptable in this giant would of opportunities. Freshers need to comprehend the realities of a workplace, along with being aware of the realistic expectations around them.
  2. Lack of Application Knowledge : Today’s generation is really lucky as they have instant access to abundant information and they are very much conscious of the power it holds in this new age. Somehow all the information they possess is theoretical and is not getting channeled practically. But whom should we blame for this? Students are not to be blamed completely, the problem lies in our education system that does not have access to detailed courses and uses outdated curriculum. Due to this it becomes even more important for the companies to provide internships to freshers before hiring them. This will not only give them better clarity about job expectations but also clear their concepts about different subjects.
  3. Lack of communication Skills : As you are not working in isolation, dealing with people becomes must. And if freshers lack in expressing themselves it can hinder their growth. While some suffer from the fear of speaking in public, others lack the right way of doing so. Inadvertently, their job suffers. These skills can be worked upon, just that there has to be self motivation and desire to achieve more.
  4. High Attrition Rate : This is to do with the attitude. Students get into “get” attitude where everything has been served on the silver platter. Parents supported them financially and emotionally, college supported them with good education and industry supported them with infrastructure. But once they step into the real world they realize things are not the way they perceived and that leads to stress which they find difficult to handle and quit. Owing to a growth in the technology, freshers today have access to endless opportunities. They are more interested in higher salaries and fast-track promotion as they know there is no respite from the pressure of timelines and deliveries, wherever they go. They know they can jump around companies and get what they want. But how long they can continue like this. Here also companies come to their rescue by providing access to mentors who can administer job guidance and help them understand their role and responsibility by honing their skills, the problem can be solved to a great extent.

If freshers really want to survive in this competitive market without being stressed out they need to

  • Take ownership of their personal and professional growth
  • Bring positive change in their attitude
  • Be proactive in understanding the changing needs of the market
  • Work on upscaling skills that can aid in their success path
  • Accept the change and come out of their comfort zone
  • Ready to learn-unlearn and relearn

Remember stress itself is not negative the way we respond to it makes it negative of positive. Make sure you take it as an EU Stress which will help you to be more confident, adequate, and stimulated by the challenges you experience from the stressor.

This post is part of Blogchatter’s #CauseAChatter

27 Replies to “Reasons For Fresher’s Distress and Coping Mechanism #CauseAChatter”

  1. Today there is a tough competition for freshers. And during last year, we have seen many fresh graduates undergoing stress due to the uncertainty about their future. But no matter whatever the situations, we all have to develop our coping mechanism.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am glad you had also talked about high attrition rate and attitude issue. I had observed this thing personally a lot. indeed, freshers need to update themselves a lot to face the upcoming challenges in professional life. your tips are really useful to prepare them well for any over competitive field.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In today’s scenario freshers are living stressful life. They don’t have much choices,even not getting job of their own choices. They have to become strong and prepare them well for upcoming challenges in professional life.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As a fresher, it can be really challenging out there as you leave the sheltered environment of academics. I feel one of the important factors that cause fresher’s distress, is the mismatch of expectations with the real scenario.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We’ve all been freshers at some point in our careers and your post details all the things we felt. A great initiative by companies to appoint Mentors to help Freshers out, as this initial hand-holding could make a big difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The mental stress on a fresher is tremendous. Parents expectations, self expectations and more make them worry a little more. Thanks for writing about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can absolutely relate to this as 12 years back when I had started to career the thought of doing some mistakes and not being able to deliver as expected and also managing my own life with a small salary for huge stress for me. I am happy that you have come up with this post and it’s indeed helpful for the ones who are beginning their life.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nowadays there’s so much competition at work that each and everyone, new or old is striving hard and working even harder to make it. The struggle can be very overwhelming especially for refresher who is already trying to settle into the job and beating the competition at the same time.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Absolutely it’s not easy to adjust in all new working environment from student mode. These tips provide proper approach in dealing with it

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Proper guidance on how to communicate within an office environment can cause a lot of stress to freshers. Also if the office staff especially the boss is not supportive then it can be a great problem too.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. My younger brother will be starting his corporate journey soon and I can relate to many points mentioned here. It is indeed important to share these with youngsters to make them more aware of sound mental health 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Such an eye-opener for freshers. A common challenge a fresher face is mentally settling in an office set-up, immediately after the carefree college and university days.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I am aware about problems fresher’s face because at one point in my life I was also a fresher and I can totally relate to how these problems could lead to increase in stress. I feel when you’re starting your career, no one takes you seriously and you get more work than you can handle. But that’s how life is in general. People at workplaces are mean and they don’t want you to have it easy since they didn’t have it easy when they were freshers.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The beginning of a career is indeed stressful , if a fresher is unequipped of the required skills. Worth to note the pointers u have mentioned to survive in the competitive world

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You have raised some valid points. A lot of times, colleges don’t prepare students for operating in the world. A lot of knowledge is imparted but soft skills are lacking. For me the most important characteristic is being proactive and taking initiative as you have also observed.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Yes I have heard of this from hubby. Freshers have loads of pressure from parents and elders to find something they think is worth their time and that earns good money. Keeping our calm is the best option among other tips.

    Liked by 1 person

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